Positive quotes: Motivational thoughts to lift your life-story creating

Positive quotes: Motivational thoughts to lift your life-story creating. Notepaper with handwritten words: "Believe in yourself." Photo by iStock

Best quotes for midyear motivation and inspiration

How did it get to be the middle of the year so fast!

Certainly those New Year’s writing goals seem a long time ago and need re-examining.

But the beauty of being halfway through this year is there is still one half to go for life-story recording and creating.

So here is a dose of positive quotes to get your inspiration fired up again …

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Waves of Life: Jim Hamilton’s grateful autobiography of hope

Waves of Life: Jim Hamilton's grateful autobiography of hope. Hamilton with his wife Dora and children in earlier times, book cover of Waves of Life: A Grateful Man's Journey, and a recent portrait photo of Hamilton. Photos by Jim Hamilton, Library Tales Publishing
Waves of Life: A Grateful Man’s Journey (centre) by Jim Hamilton (right), pictured with his wife Dora and their children during a Pacific cruise in 2002 (left). Photos by Jim Hamilton, Library Tales Publishing

Case study: Californian author’s life story rides ups and downs of life

Business consultant and author Jim Hamilton’s new autobiography tells the story of the three ‘big waves’ of his life and the valuable lessons these have taught him.

Waves of Life: A Grateful Man’s Journey, by Library Tales Publishing, includes the passing of Hamilton’s older brother, his battles with health issues and addiction, plus the pain and joy of his life.

However, underscoring all is the importance of love as the greatest gift you can receive and give.

Forever Young Autobiographies caught up with Hamilton to find out more about his book, writing process and tips for life-story creators.

Continue reading Waves of Life: Jim Hamilton’s grateful autobiography of hope

Moving Memories: Talking family videos with video producer Nicola Kane

Moving Memories: Talking family videos with video producer Nicola Kane. Moving Memories graphic of Nicola as a young girl on a bike with her father standing behind, and a modern portrait photo of Nicola. Photos by Nicola Kane
Moving Memories video producer Nicola Kane (right) and with her father as a young girl (left). Photos by Nicola Kane

How life-story videos and family history videos can save family memories

Last week I had the pleasure to connect with Moving Memories founder Nicola Kane.

Nicola lives in New Zealand and is a fellow life-story coach and YouTuber.

However, her specialty is helping families and businesses create stories through video.

So read on to find out what makes this format attractive for your next life-story project

Continue reading Moving Memories: Talking family videos with video producer Nicola Kane

Lessons learnt: See how easily life lessons can be included in a life story

Lessons learnt: See how easily life lessons can be included in a life story. A field of red poppies at sunset. Photo by Pixabay

Amazing secrets about sharing important life lessons learned

The concept of lessons learnt is a powerful reason to start a life-story project.

Indeed this week in Australia people stopped to mark Anzac Day and remember servicemen and women who died in the line of duty.

Most importantly at services we say “lest we forget“, which reminds us not to forget past sacrifices.

Certainly this phrase is apt for memorial days but it can also be a motivator to create a life story.

Continue reading Lessons learnt: See how easily life lessons can be included in a life story

Tell Me Why: Award-winning life story by singer-songwriter Archie Roach

Tell Me Why: Award-winning life story by singer-songwriter Archie Roach. Audiobook cover of Tell Me Why: The story of my life and my music by Archie Roach, Simon and Schuster Australia, and a portrait photo of Roach. Photos by Simon and Schuster Australia and Adrian Cook Photography
Tell Me Why: The story of my life and my music audiobook (left) by Archie Roach (right), Simon and Schuster Australia. Photos by Simon and Schuster Australia and Adrian Cook Photography

Book review: What you ought to know about this stolen child, storyteller and leader

I was lucky to see Archie Roach AM at a sold-out concert the week I finished reading his memoir Tell Me Why: The story of my life and my music.

His book was published by Simon & Schuster Australia in 2019 and is a companion to the music star’s new album and tour.

However, I listened to the audiobook version, read by Roach, which won the Australian Book Industry Awards 2021 Audiobook of the Year.

So let’s jump into what Tell Me Why is about, what makes it interesting and what we can learn to help our own life-story creating

Continue reading Tell Me Why: Award-winning life story by singer-songwriter Archie Roach

Wildflower Girl: Dana Stewart Quinney’s adventurous autobiography

Wildflower Girl: Dana Stewart Quinney's adventurous autobiography. Dana's house in the winter of 1960 with drifting snow, book cover of Wildflower Girl: A Lifelong Journey Beyond the Trail, and Dana with a baby badger rescued when she was a biologist for the USA Army National Guard. Photos by Dana Stewart Quinney, Hidden Shelf Publishing House
Wildflower Girl: A Lifelong Journey Beyond the Trail (centre) by Dana Stewart Quinney (right), pictured with a baby badger rescued when she was a biologist for the US Army National Guard, and Dana’s house in the winter of 1960 with drifting snow (left). Photos by Dana Stewart Quinney, Hidden Shelf Publishing House

Case study: Idaho field biologist’s life story is a surefire nature fix

Dana Stewart Quinney’s autobiography Wildflower Girl: A Lifelong Journey Beyond the Trail highlights nature’s richness and magic.

Dana spent her 1950s childhood exploring Idaho’s Wood River Valley and went on to visit many wild paces around the world as a distinguished field biologist.

Her life story Wildflower Girl was published by Hidden Shelf Publishing House in 2020 and was named 2019 Idaho Library Association Book of the Year.

And Forever Young Autobiographies caught up with Dana recently to find out more about writing this adventurous read …

Continue reading Wildflower Girl: Dana Stewart Quinney’s adventurous autobiography

Memory palaces: What you should know about mnemonic memory palaces

Memory palaces: What you should know about mnemonic memory palaces. The colourful and ornate interior of Mysore Palace, also known as Amba Vilas Palace, Karnataka, India. Photo by Sampath Nayak from Pexels
Mysore Palace, also known as Amba Vilas Palace, Karnataka, India. Photo by Sampath Nayak from Pexels

Ask Nicola Q&A: How to understand mind palaces and the method of loci

G’day and welcome to Forever Young Autobiographies – Ask Nicola.

As a life-story coach I’m asked many questions about planning, writing, polishing and publishing.

And in this Q&A series my responses aim to help life-story creators!

So today’s question is: “What are memory palaces for your mind?”

Continue reading Memory palaces: What you should know about mnemonic memory palaces

The Happiest Man on Earth: Bestseller by 100yo Auschwitz survivor Eddie Jaku

The Happiest Man on Earth: Bestseller by 100yo Auschwitz survivor Eddie Jaku. Book cover of The Happiest Man on Earth: A Holocaust survivor shares how he found gratitude, kindness and hope in the darkest of places by Eddie Jaku, Pan Macmillan Australia, and a portrait photo of Jaku. Photos by Pan Macmillan Australia and Tim Bauer
The Happiest Man on Earth: A Holocaust survivor shares how he found gratitude, kindness and hope in the darkest of places (left) by Eddie Jaku (right), Pan Macmillan Australia. Photos by Pan Macmillan Australia and Tim Bauer.

Book review: Amazing ways to live by a Holocaust survivor

Kicking off this year’s book reviews is the powerful life story by the late Eddie Jaku OAM: The Happiest Man on Earth: A Holocaust survivor shares how he found gratitude, kindness and hope in the darkest of places.

The bestseller was published in 2020 by Pan Macmillan Australia after Jaku turned 100.

And last year it won the Australian Book Industry Awards Biography Book of the Year.

So let’s find out what the book is about, why it is so interesting and what you can learn for your own writing …

Continue reading The Happiest Man on Earth: Bestseller by 100yo Auschwitz survivor Eddie Jaku

The Butcherbird Sings: Julie Campbell’s touching memoir about neurodegenerative disease

The Butcherbird Sings: Julie Campbell's touching memoir about neurodegenerative disease. Campbell and husband Steve in 2006, book cover of The Butcherbird Sings: A memoir of hope and help born from a neurodegenerative disease, and a modern portrait photo of Campbell. Photos by Julie Campbell and Bad Apple Press
The Butcherbird Sings: A memoir of hope and help born from a neurodegenerative disease (centre) by Julie Campbell (right) and with husband Steve in 2006 (left).

Case study: What Campbell knows about atypical parkinsonism and corticobasal degeneration

Julie Campbell’s heartfelt new memoir tells the story of how a devastating disease destroyed her beloved husband and the adored father of their two children.

The Butcherbird Sings: A memoir of hope and help born from a neurodegenerative disease was custom published last year by Bad Apple Press and is a revealing and moving read.

Certainly Campbell is passionate about the value of sharing stories as a tool to learn and to connect with others.

She caught up with Forever Young Autobiographies to tell us more about her memoir, the creative process and share suggestions with fellow writers …

Continue reading The Butcherbird Sings: Julie Campbell’s touching memoir about neurodegenerative disease

The Athena Wellness Podcast: Talking storytelling with wellness expert Kathy Robinson

The Athena Wellness Podcast: Talking storytelling with wellness expert Kathy Robinson. The Athena Wellness Podcast cover art and a portrait photo of host Kathy Robinson. Photos by Kathy Robinson
The Athena Wellness Podcast (left) and host Kathy Robinson (right), a coach, wellness expert and author. Photos by Kathy Robinson.

Podcast guest appearance for Wellness Wednesday about how to start writing a life story

It was fantastic to be a guest on The Athena Wellness Podcast recently!

Host, coach, wellness expert and author Kathy Robinson kindly invited me to appear on two episodes.

First we talked about Storytelling as a Wellness Practice.

And on the second, shorter episode, How to Organize Your Family Stories.

So keep reading as I highlight some key takeaways from the shows …

Continue reading The Athena Wellness Podcast: Talking storytelling with wellness expert Kathy Robinson