How to write a story: Burning questions about inspirational stories, writing tips + writing mistakes

How to write a story: Burning questions about inspirational stories, writing tips + writing mistakes. A person wearing black-and-white sneakers stands in front of the word 'start' chalked onto a bitumen road. Photo by Ann H from Pexels

Ask Nicola Q&A: How to write a story for beginners who want to write well

How to write a story is the most common query I am asked as a life-story coach.

So to kick off this year’s Ask Nicola series, I’m highlighting six readers’ questions that deal with this theme!

They include how to create inspirational stories, writing tips, good writing ideas, writing mistakes, writing problems and the process of writing a book.

Certainly these questions and responses will help you plan, create, polishing and publishing an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

Now let’s dive in and learn how to write a story …

Continue reading How to write a story: Burning questions about inspirational stories, writing tips + writing mistakes

Case study: Daughter’s podcast with her 83yo poet laureate dad

Case study: Daughter's podcast with her 83yo poet laureate dad. Podcast artwork for The Memoir My Dad Wouldn't Write, Dr Treasure Shields Redmond with her father Dr Eugene B. Redmond, and together with her son and daughter.
Podcast The Memoir My Dad Wouldn’t Write (left), Dr Treasure Shields Redmond with her father Dr Eugene B. Redmond (top), and with Treasure’s son and daughter (bottom). Photos Treasure Shields Redmond

Creative memoir of emeritus professor of English Eugene B. Redmond

This week I have a radically honest and touching case study to share with you!

It is the story of how Dr Treasure Shields Redmond started a podcast with her well-known father Dr Eugene B. Redmond, age 83.

The show, The Memoir My Dad Wouldn’t Write, began in 2018 and has no topics off limits.

“It is a limited series of conversations between a daughter and a father about the things that make us family and the items in my dad’s life that have helped to shape who he is today,” Treasure said.

“You know he has had this incredible life as a cultural worker, poet, professor, activist and mentor but he wouldn’t write a memoir. 

“So this podcast is a way to get those conversations onto tape and to find out exactly what shaped this incredible, complex – and far from perfect – man that I love.”

Let’s discover more about this fascinating life-story project plus Treasure’s tips for doing something similar of your own …

Continue reading Case study: Daughter’s podcast with her 83yo poet laureate dad

Critique partner: Don’t find writing critique partners before reading this!

Critique partner: Don't find writing critique partners before reading this! Two children jump and play in the ocean. Photo by Kasuma from Pexels

Amazing tips and ways to find a super writing buddy + writing partner

I used to do a lot of ocean swimming.

This involved getting up early and swimming across a calm bay behind the beach break.

Certainly I could have done this alone.

But I rarely did because I’d imagined sharks out the corner of my eye while I swam!

Instead I went with a buddy each week and loved it.

However, writing can be a bit like this too. 

Certainly sitting down to write an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project can put you on edge.

Indeed sometimes you need someone by your side to take the plunge and keep going

And that is where a writing critique partner can help …

Continue reading Critique partner: Don’t find writing critique partners before reading this!

Case study: She Writes Press memoir The Red Kitchen by Barbara Clarke

Case study: She Writes Press memoir The Red Kitchen by Barbara Clarke. Book cover of The Red Kitchen by Barbara Clarke, She Writes Press, and a portrait photo of Clarke.
The Red Kitchen by Barbara Clarke, She Writes Press. Portrait photo of Clarke.

What author Clarke wants you to know about writing her latest life story

In the lead up to International Women’s Day we are this week taking a close look at Barbara Clarke’s The Red Kitchen published by She Writes Press.

The intimate memoir, due out April 6, depicts change and discovery between mum and daughter — and how it’s never too late to come of age.

Previously Clarke published an indie memoir, Getting to Home: Sojourn in a Perfect House, about the process of building a house as a single woman. 

And she has also written for corporate clients, trade magazines, worked under a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant, nonprofit organisations, plus local and alternative newspapers.

So let’s find out more about Clarke’s new book, the writing process and her tips for fellow life-story writers …

Continue reading Case study: She Writes Press memoir The Red Kitchen by Barbara Clarke

Writing prompts: Who else wants story prompts + writing topics in 5 minutes?

Writing prompts: Who else wants story prompts + writing topics in 5 minutes? A dad and his young daughter dance in grassy sand dunes at the beach. Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

The quick and easy way to do story writing prompts and story writing topics 

Last year I was helping a teacher in one of my children’s classrooms (before coronavirus hit).

And he got the students doing dance moves to a five-minute song before starting a new lesson.

Firstly this struck me because we never did such fun things in my childhood classrooms!

Secondly because the activity was a super way to jump start the kids’ energy and creativity.

But did you know you can use writing prompts in much the same way before sitting down to write an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project?

Certainly writing prompts can be a fun tool to try so let’s take a closer look …

Continue reading Writing prompts: Who else wants story prompts + writing topics in 5 minutes?

Case study: Helping my 98yo grandmother write her autobiography

Case study: Helping my 98yo grandmother write her autobiography. An open book is tied with a red and white ribbon shaped into a heart. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Part 1: A challenging and rewarding journey to record a special life story

It has been a year since I gave my grandma Bonnie the very first copy of her life story.

Certainly it’s a book that is close to her heart – a labour of love.

And given we marked St Valentine’s Day earlier this week, I thought it would be timely to look back on how I got started helping my grandmother write her autobiography.

Indeed, through this project I learnt much about this wonderful lady.

However, I also discovered much about planning and creating a life story.

So keep reading to find out more about Part 1 (see Part 2 and Part 3) and how you can sit down and create a similar family project … 

Continue reading Case study: Helping my 98yo grandmother write her autobiography

Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing

Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing. A person in silhouette shines a white torch beam into a dark-blue starry sky. Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

What you need to know about using a story coach or author coach

I recently came across an interesting news story. 

In short it said if an asteroid was heading towards Earth we were safe as long as we ‘nudged’ it slightly off course before it got too close.

Therefore it would change direction just enough to pass by our planet.

But leave the intervention too late and we would all be in for trouble!

And something similar can be said if we are struggling to sit down and create an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

If we leave asking for help too long we might lose motivation and give up all together – disaster!

Indeed sometimes we need a little nudge from a coach to keep us on course.

So check out these three little-known ways a life story writing coach can help you today …

Continue reading Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing

Book review: Walkley award-winning Fallen by investigative journalist Lucie Morris-Marr

Book review: Walkley award-winning Fallen by investigative journalist Lucie Morris-Marr. Book cover of Fallen: The inside story of the secret trial and conviction of Cardinal George Pell by Lucie Morris-Marr, Allen & Unwin, and a portrait photo of Morris-Marr from The Walkley Foundation
Fallen: The inside story of the secret trial and conviction of Cardinal George Pell by Lucie Morris-Marr, Allen & Unwin. Portrait photo of Morris-Marr from The Walkley Foundation.

Learn about the secret trial and conviction of Cardinal George Pell with this Allen & Unwin read

Kicking off this year’s book reviews is Fallen: The inside story of the secret trial and conviction of Cardinal George Pell by Lucie Morris-Marr.

This book was published by Allen & Unwin in 2019 and won Australia’s  2020 Walkley Awards Book Award.

Morris-Marr broke the story that the third most senior Catholic cleric was being investigated by police for historic sex crimes against children.

And the journalist was in court when ‘God’s treasurer’ was found guilty.

Indeed it was a conviction that sent ripples around the world (and again when quashed by the High Court of Australia last year). 

So keep reading to find out more about this historic case and Morris-Marr’s Fallen.

Continue reading Book review: Walkley award-winning Fallen by investigative journalist Lucie Morris-Marr

What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work

What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work. Two young girls crouching in a forest throw autumn leaves in the air. Photo by Michael Morse from Pexels

Amazing secrets about what does theme mean and writing themes

“What is a theme? Why do I need one,” you may ask when starting an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

Indeed themes can sound like a writing technique for ‘fancy’ authors or blockbuster movies.

But pause and think before you sit down to write … 

Certainly we encounter themes almost every day.

For example, at parties, restaurants and in advertising.

And believe it or not we tell stories to ourselves and others based around themes.

So let’s take a look at theme definition, why we need writing themes, theme examples, and much more.

Continue reading What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work

Memory recall: How to fast track remembering childhood memories + long-term memory retrieval

Memory recall: How to fast track remembering childhood memories + long-term memory retrieval. A boy wearing blue board shorts holds a surfboard while standing in dunes looking at breaking waves. Photo Tembela Bohle from Pexels

What every life-story writer ought to know about priming memory and remembering memories in 4 steps

First published September 27, 2018: This article has been updated and improved.

Memory recall is at the heart of all life-story writing.

But it can be challenging to remember back decades when sitting down to write an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

Certainly the brain is an amazing piece of engineering.

However, it is common for our memories to fade over time.

For example, I like to think of each memory as a sandy path to the beach.

And every time we remember a memory, the track gets a little more defined.

But if we stop recalling a memory, the track gets overgrown or blown away.

So today I go over four of the easiest ways to bring old memories back to the surface.

Continue reading Memory recall: How to fast track remembering childhood memories + long-term memory retrieval