How to write a story: Burning questions about inspirational stories, writing tips + writing mistakes

How to write a story: Burning questions about inspirational stories, writing tips + writing mistakes. A person wearing black-and-white sneakers stands in front of the word 'start' chalked onto a bitumen road. Photo by Ann H from Pexels

Ask Nicola Q&A: How to write a story for beginners who want to write well

How to write a story is the most common query I am asked as a life-story coach.

So to kick off this year’s Ask Nicola series, I’m highlighting six readers’ questions that deal with this theme!

They include how to create inspirational stories, writing tips, good writing ideas, writing mistakes, writing problems and the process of writing a book.

Certainly these questions and responses will help you plan, create, polishing and publishing an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

Now let’s dive in and learn how to write a story …

1 How do you go about creating a powerful story when writing a memoir?

Awesome question! Firstly, to create a powerful story you need to go beneath the surface of what you think people want to hear. 

Certainly stories are interesting when you include not just the great highlights but also what went wrong, your struggles, failures and fears. 

So being honest, genuine and sincere takes courage but you and your readers will be thankful for it.

Read this article for more Tell the truth: The surefire way to out skeletons in the family closet.

Coaching Calls Forever Young Autobiographies. Open hand outstretched over sparkling water.

2 What are your five key tips for how to write a story or a family memoir? 

The first five things I would think about are: 

  1. Decide why you want to start this project.
  2. Figure out who you are writing for.
  3. Spend some time thinking and planning what you want to write about (ie a basic chapter structure).
  4. Look at your typical week and plan when you are going to work on your life story (ie a writing schedule).
  5. Think about possible fears and obstacles that could hold you back. Make a note of how you can overcome or avoid these.

3 What are some tips to make your writing more captivating?

Super question! My top tip for how to write a story would be to think of your reader. 

Indeed, always keep their interests in mind. 

Most importantly you want them to be informed, entertained and hopefully moved by your words. 

So for life stories, this requires you to be a little bit vulnerable and tell an honest and true story of your life – the ‘light and shade‘.

Next, check out this article Lessons learnt: Writing memoirs full of your best life lessons.

4 What are the common mistakes you see writers make with their stories?

Just like any new skill, writing takes time. 

For new writers, I think the biggest mistake is they don’t give themselves enough credit and talk their efforts down. 

So remember, most people’s first drafts don’t see the light of day. 

In short, they aren’t meant to be perfect! 

And if you want more info, especially common editing tips, check out Edit: The ultimate guide to polishing your writing.

5 In your experience, what is the hardest part about writing an autobiography or how to write a story?

Excellent question! Writing your life story can be very daunting. 

Certainly most people have lots of questions about how to write a story – where to start, what to include, what to leave out, etc? 

However, I think the hardest thing is making a commitment to write regularly. 

But once you break the project down into bite-size writing chunks it becomes easier to wrap your head around and get moving. 

For more tips see this article Writing time: How to schedule time for writing.

6 What is the most challenging part of writing a book – the writing itself or the editing and why?

Each stage has its challenges and rewards! 

But I think the hardest thing is having confidence in your story and writing ability to get started. 

Indeed a small proportion of authors can ‘wing it’, however, the majority of us (myself included!) need help getting started. 

And that’s the main reason I created a free training video, Structure Success, to help people plan out their life story!. Click here to sign up!

Final say: How to write a story

It was a pleasure to dive in and answer reader questions about how to write a story.

Certainly I hope these responses will help you create inspirational stories, provide writing tips and good writing ideas plus ways to avoid writing mistakes and writing problems.

Above all, my wish is that you start and finish recording a life story.

Happy writing!

Free gift!

Watch the free video training Structure Success to plan your outline before sitting down to createSign up here!

Your say

Do you have another question you would like to ask? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me an email or leave a reply in the comments section at the end of this article.

Get in touch

Have you hit a roadblock planning, creating, polishing or finishing your autobiography? Let me know so I can help!

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First published August 9, 2018: This article has been updated and improved.