Quick and easy writing advice to write a better book
This past year I’ve been getting back into surfing.
Usually the first half of my surf goes well.
Then I start to get physically tired and stuff up.
When this happens my trick is to take a break or try again tomorrow.
The same idea can be applied to your writing, whether you are working on an autobiography, memoir, biography or life-story project.
Taking a writing break is my secret writing tip for good writing.
Here’s why you need to take a writing break today!
A writing break helps separate tasks
Don’t try to edit your story as you write.
Your brain is hardwired to do one thing properly at a time.
Editing while you write will only slow your thoughts and writing flow.
Instead ignore all the typos and keep writing.
Once you have a story on the page take a break.
The editing can be done later.
Separating these steps with a writing break means your writing will be better and so will your editing.
Related article – How to start a book in 4 simple steps
Boost your creativity
One of the overlooked benefits of taking a writing break is creativity.
When you step away from your writing your subconscious is still working.
Taking a mental break from writing gives yourself ‘space’ to come up with new ideas, fresh memories, creative solutions and inspiration.
These can strike while you are cooking, driving, gardening, cleaning, exercising, etc.
Focusing on other activities during a writing break will work wonders for your writing.
Related article – How to beat memoir writer’s block in 8 simple steps
Improve your revising
Another beauty of taking a writing break is when you pick up your writing again it will be much easier to revise.
Having time away from your writing creates distance.
This usually gives you heightened clarity on what sections of your writing are working and what parts need rewriting.
Fresh eyes will also better see typos, spelling and grammar errors.
Related article – Proofreading tips for revising and editing your writing
Celebrate that win
Taking a writing break is also a terrific way to celebrate your progress.
It is really important to acknowledge small writing wins, whether that is sitting down to write for one session or write one page.
Incremental achievements really add up over time.
Celebrate these with short writing breaks to keep your momentum and motivation high.
Related article – Ask Nicola Q&A: How to finish writing a book and know when your book is finished
Final say: Writing break
Taking a writing break might sound like procrastination.
But used correctly it can be your secret weapon for getting more writing done.
Taking a writing break helps you: divide writing steps, boost creativity, enhance revision and celebrate your writing progress.
And on that note I am going to practise what I preach.
Next week I’m taking a short break from the website to go surfing – I need all the training I can get!
Happy writing!
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Do you need help staying on track with your writing? Sign up for the Forever Young Autobiographies FREE structure training video to plan your book’s chapters. Fill in the form below or sign up here.
Your say
How does a writing break help you? And what do you do when you take a break? I always love hearing what works for different people. Drop me an email or leave a reply in the comments section at the end of this article.
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This article first appeared on the website Forever Young Autobiographies.com.