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Why is theme important: Use themes to create and edit life stories

Why is theme important: Use themes to create and edit life stories. Silhouette of a bicycle sign against darkening blue sky with palm tree in background. Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels
Include stories that amplify a central theme like bicycle wheel spokes connecting to a central hub.

Ask Nicola Q&A: The quick and easy way to understand theme and find the theme of a story

G’day and welcome to Forever Young Autobiographies – Ask Nicola.

Regularly I get questions about creating life stories for family and friends.

Today’s Ask Nicola question is:

Why is theme important when editing? 

So let’s jump into a few key points about themes to keep in mind when polishing your work … 

Related article – Edit: The ultimate guide to polishing your writing

An earlier video on this topic was first published here.

What’s a theme?

In short, a theme is an overarching message you want your audience to take away.

Also you can have major and minor themes.

For instance, common themes revolve around love, redemption and resurrection. 

Related article – What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work

Why is theme important?

Themes are great because they help you focus beyond the facts to the heart or spirit of a life story. 

Second, they guide creating and editing. 

For example, include stories that amplify a central theme like bicycle wheel spokes connecting to a central hub.

Related article – Finish a life story: How to know when your  project is finished

Finding the theme of a story

Certainly your project already contains themes: conscious or unconscious.

So go over your drafts looking for common patterns or ideas. 

For the most part, parents, family, culture and life experiences shape our themes. 

Related article – Lessons learnt: See how easily life lessons can be included in a life story

More on determining theme 

Still stuck on why theme is important? 

Summing up a life-story work in a few sentences can uncover big themes. 

Another way to do this is using a fairytale style: “Once upon a time there was a …” 

Finally, the process of re-writing and polishing drafts can help you refine themes.

Related article – Ask Nicola Q&A: Secrets to creating a super book back cover

Final say: Why is theme important?

Why is theme important lots of people ask? 

Certainly there are many reasons but creating and editing a life-story project is much clearer when you know its themes. 

Therefore, make sure you grasp: what are themes, why you need them and how to find them in a life story. 

Happy writing!

Free gift!

Discover life-story themes by creating a rough project outline. Sign up here for the Structure Success training.

Your say

What themes have you uncovered? I always love hearing from different people. Drop me an email or leave a reply in the comments section at the end of this article.

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First published July 11, 2019: This article has been updated and improved.

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