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What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work

What is theme? Get theme definition and theme examples without the work. Two young girls crouching in a forest throw autumn leaves in the air. Photo by Michael Morse from Pexels

Amazing secrets about what does theme mean and writing themes

“What is a theme? Why do I need one,” you may ask when starting an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

Indeed themes can sound like a writing technique for ‘fancy’ authors or blockbuster movies.

But pause and think before you sit down to write … 

Certainly we encounter themes almost every day.

For example, at parties, restaurants and in advertising.

And believe it or not we tell stories to ourselves and others based around themes.

So let’s take a look at theme definition, why we need writing themes, theme examples, and much more.

Related article – How to start writing: The ultimate guide about planning to write life stories

An earlier video on this topic was first published here.

What is theme definition?

So what is theme exactly?

Very basically, a life-story theme is the topic, idea or guiding message you want to get across to your readers.

And these can be specifically chosen or arise subconsciously.

For example, sometimes you ‘know’ what your theme is going into your writing project but often it is only through the act of writing that you truly uncover your theme.

Furthermore, life stories usually have major and minor themes.

And they can be obvious or subtle.

Related article – Ask Nicola Q&A: Why is theme important for my autobiography or memoir?

Why you need themes

To understand what is theme we must also look at why themes are necessary.

Firstly, themes help anchor your story selection and ultimately tie everything together into a final draft.

Secondly, they can inform or guide your characters, settings and plot.

So think of a theme as a signpost telling you where you are going with your writing.

Also, readers will follow ‘theme signs’ to get to your writing destination – the point of your story.

Therefore, themes are a big-picture way of understanding your life story and staying on track.

And most importantly, they help convey the essence or spirit of your writing.

Related article – Super settings: Setting examples and how to write the setting for your life story

Theme examples

Common themes

To fully answer ‘what is theme’ we must discover the many different types of themes.

Certainly you would be familiar with the popular ones through watching movies, reading novels and fairytales or studying mythology:

Uncommon themes

There are also some ‘negative’ themes to be aware of while we are examining what is theme.

Most importantly, these are usually justifications for ‘why’ we didn’t do something and are not recommended for your life story.

For example:

Related article – Tell the truth: The surefire way to out skeletons in the family closet

When and how to choose a theme

It is preferable to have a core theme when starting to write.

However, even a rough idea is better than madly writing without direction.

So don’t get too stressed if a theme doesn’t come to you.

Certainly ask loved ones what they think is your core message.

Indeed, they can often pick it before you can!

Also look at movies and books to uncover themes for inspiration.

And, crazy as it sounds, your dreams can throw up personal themes.

So keep a notebook beside the bed to write them down!

Related article – Ask Nicola Q&A: Revising and editing autobiography stories

Final say

Asking what is theme can seem a scary question.

But theme definition is actually easy to answer: it’s a message you want to get across to your reader. 

In this article we have touched on the many reasons why your life story needs themes, theme examples, and ways to uncover and pick yours.

Certainly our lives are full of universal themes.

So don’t be afraid to unearth the key ones you want to explore.

Indeed sharing themes and life messages taps into the realm of your spirit and can be work for the soul.

Happy writing!

Free gift!

Get clear about your writing themes with the free Structure Success video. It will help you write a rough chapter outline and spot big-picture themes. Sign up here or fill in the form below.

Your say

What themes are you writing about? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me an email or leave a reply in the comments section at the end of this article.

Get in touch

Have you hit a roadblock planning, writing, polishing or finishing your autobiography? Let me know here so I can help!

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This article first appeared on the website Forever Young

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