Staying organised: How to stay organised when creating a life story

Staying organised: How to stay organised when creating a life story. Open notebook with pen mandala drawing in green grass. Photo by Dids from Pexels

Surefire ways to keep organised when starting a life-story project

Staying organised when undertaking a life-story project is an important consideration.

Indeed it can seem overwhelming to most when starting an autobiography, memoir, biography or some other life-story project.

But there is a way to tame the creative chaos and flow of memories!

So keep reading to find out my top suggestions for effortless organisation …

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New year’s resolutions: 3 steps to set life-story dreams and goals

New year’s resolutions: 3 steps to set life-story dreams and goals. Silhouette of a person walking against a dawn sky with birds flying overhead. Photo by Subham Dash from Pexels

Everything you need to know to achieve a new year’s resolution

Going to the beach before dawn is one of my favourite things to do.

Firstly there is the sound of crashing waves but also a magical orange glow of what the day may bring.

Similarly the dawn of a new year offers many opportunities.

So today let’s wander down a virtual beach path and set new year’s resolutions for life-story projects

Continue reading New year’s resolutions: 3 steps to set life-story dreams and goals

Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family

Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family. A young boy strikes a Superman pose at the sky while wearing glasses and a black cape. Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

Everything you need to know about finding writing time with kids

Are you lucky to have little people in your life?

Certainly children make us smile and bring us joy as we watch them grow.

But is it actually possible to write productively and be creative when kids are about?

Indeed as a life-story writing mum I’ve found a few family life tricks to help you do just that …

Continue reading Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family

Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing

Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing. A person in silhouette shines a white torch beam into a dark-blue starry sky. Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

What you need to know about using a story coach or author coach

I recently came across an interesting news story. 

In short it said if an asteroid was heading towards Earth we were safe as long as we ‘nudged’ it slightly off course before it got too close.

Therefore it would change direction just enough to pass by our planet.

But leave the intervention too late and we would all be in for trouble!

And something similar can be said if we are struggling to sit down and create an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.

If we leave asking for help too long we might lose motivation and give up all together – disaster!

Indeed sometimes we need a little nudge from a coach to keep us on course.

So check out these three little-known ways a life story writing coach can help you today …

Continue reading Life story writing coach: 3 little-known ways they can help your story writing

Write together: Writing with a loved one as a co-author or writing partner

Write together: Writing with a loved one as a co-author or writing partner. A couple makes a heart-shape silhouette with their hands against a setting sun. Photo from Pexels

Amazing secrets about writing together from a life-story book coach

First published February 8, 2018: This article has been updated and improved.

Writing an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life story can be a very solitary pursuit but it doesn’t have to be.

Your husband or wife may be the perfect support person for your project.

But including them in additional ways from the very beginning can make for a more holistic book.

After years together you and your partner’s life stories have naturally become interwoven.

Therefore it is a given that when you sit down to write your book will include a little or a lot about their life as well.

Following on from St Valentine’s Day, this week’s article explores ways to include your partner in your life-story writing project. 

Continue reading Write together: Writing with a loved one as a co-author or writing partner

Working with a writing coach: 3 questions to ask when choosing a life-writing teacher

Working with a writing coach: 3 questions to ask when choosing a life-writing teacher. White smartphone on a roughly white painted wooden surface with three surrounding pink dialogue boxes featuring a person, chat bubble and love heart. Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

Plus a Valentine’s Day coaching call deal you will love!

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the autobiography, memoir and biography writers out there!

Sitting down to write a life story to be shared among friends and family can be a glorious act of love.

But while you may have started the writing year full of enthusiasm, sometimes the romantic writing glow wanes and you need a hand.

Working with a writing coach can help you recover your writing mojo!

Here are three questions you should ask before you book a date with a writing coach.

Plus keep reading as I share the love with a special coaching call offer for Forever Young Autobiography followers …

Continue reading Working with a writing coach: 3 questions to ask when choosing a life-writing teacher

Why write: Why is writing important and why do we write

Why write: Why is writing important and why do we write. Red wooden heart rests on a white bench next to a jar filled with clear crystal beads. Photo by from Pexels

How to find your reasons to write and finish a powerful life story

We are surrounded by other people’s stories our whole lives. 

I especially noticed this when I started working as a print journalist, exposed to dozens of life stories every shift: tragic, happy, dramatic or miraculous.

Now, as a mother of two young children, I find myself reflecting on the lives of my parents, grandparents and others. 

I look to their lives for inspiration, wisdom and a heart-warming or entertaining story!  

These were some of the ‘why write’ reasons that prompted me to help my dad’s mum write her life story

Identifying your own whys can similarly inspire you to start, write and finish an autobiography.

Here are three top ‘why write’ reasons to help focus your mind and expectations before sitting down to begin a life-story project.

Continue reading Why write: Why is writing important and why do we write

New course! Introducing the Setting Writing Goals Guide for life-story writers

New course! Introducing the Setting Writing Goals Guide for life-story writers. Course title overlaid on tropical beach scene of blue water and white broken waves framed by edges of green leaves.  Background photo by Pixabay

Everything memoir writers need to know about imagining inspiring dreams and setting smart goals

This week I’m excited to share I have a new writing goals course for sale specifically for life-story writers!

The Setting Writing Goals Course is designed especially for writers of autobiographies, memoirs and biographies.

It is all about imagining inspiring dreams and smart goal setting to start, write and finish a writing project for yourself or a loved one.

As readers of my website you are the first to hear about the writing goals course!

Continue reading New course! Introducing the Setting Writing Goals Guide for life-story writers

Writing time: How to schedule time for writing

Writing time: How to schedule time for writing. Young boy dressed in boardshorts, rash shirt and hat stands in front of an outdoor public swimming pool. Photo by Pexels.

What every autobiography writer ought to know about finding time to write

First published August 2017: This article has been updated and improved.

I love watching the Olympics.

The swimmers are amazing to watch. 

They have trained countless mornings and afternoons for weeks, years.

They have a major goal in mind – swimming at the Olympics – and plan to achieve that goal.

The same can be said for writing an autobiography, memoir or a loved one’s life story. 

You want to have the book finished to share with friends and family.

But you have to get smart about committing to writing time or a writing routine.

You need to ‘take five’ to put a writing plan down on paper and have it clear in your mind…

Continue reading Writing time: How to schedule time for writing

Writing flow: Finding the best places to write your autobiography

Writing flow: Finding the best places to write your autobiography

How to set up your writing zone and writing environment in three simple steps

First published June 2017: This article has been updated and improved.

Ahhh, the actual act of sitting down to write. 

This is the serious part!

As a journalist I’ve had to learn to write in all types of situations.

Most commonly it is in a noisy newsroom with the screech of a police scanner two feet away, a news channel blarring on an overhead television, not to mention the often ‘enthusiastic’ sarcasm and cussing of my colleagues as they race to file for deadline.

Once a few years ago, after Severe Tropical Cyclone Marcia hit our town and ripped up 1800 power poles in the area, I had my handy neighbour rig up my laptop to a solar panel on the front lawn!

Clearly you REALLY can write anywhere and everywhere – you just need the time and a way to record your thoughts.

But to make writing your autobiography easy it is best to prepare a designated space in which to relax and get creative.

Continue reading Writing flow: Finding the best places to write your autobiography