ISBN: What you should know about book ISBN numbers and ISBN registration

ISBN: What you should know about book ISBN numbers and ISBN registration. A smiling girl and boy sit next to a window while balancing books on their heads. Photo by Olia Danilevich from Pexels

Ask Nicola Q&A: Do I need an ISBN number for a life story?

G’day and welcome to Forever Young Autobiographies – Ask Nicola.

As a life-story coach I get many queries about planning, creating, polishing and publishing.

And in this Q&A series my response aims to help new writers!

So this Ask Nicola edition begins with the question:

Do I need an ISBN to publish a life-story book for family and friends?

Terrific you are planning to sit down and record your memories for family, friends and future generations!

Next let me demystify ISBNs quickly and simply …

Continue reading ISBN: What you should know about book ISBN numbers and ISBN registration

Ask Nicola Q&A: Secrets to creating a super book back cover

Ask Nicola Q&A: Secrets to creating a super book back cover. Woman in a blue dress stands reading a book next to a lake as the sky turns pale pink at sunset. Photo by Ike louie Natividad from Pexels

How to come up with a book back cover design in 4 easy steps

Hi and welcome to Forever Young Autobiographies – Ask Nicola.

As a writing coach I’m asked many questions about planning, writing, polishing and publishing life stories for family and friends.

And in this series I show how I help new writers just like you!

So this week’s Ask Nicola answers this question:

I’m nearly ready to publish my autobiography for family and friends! Do I need to design a book back cover? If so what do I need to keep in mind?

Continue reading Ask Nicola Q&A: Secrets to creating a super book back cover

Book covers: How to create a memorable cover design

Book covers: How to create a memorable cover design. Piles of colourful used books roughly stacked floor to ceiling with a small walkway between. Photo by Pixabay.

What a print designer knows about front cover design and book cover layout 

First published October 19, 2017: This article has been updated and improved.

It’s a funny thing but often the front page of a newspaper is the last page to be sent to the press.

Frequently it is left to the end, right before deadline, for breaking news.

But after working on thousands of page ones as a newspaper designer over the years, I know page one is prime real estate: it is the paper’s ‘shop window’.

The same can be said for your autobiography, memoir, biography or life story project.

A great book cover will intrigue and interest your readers to turn the page.

Here are three key points to keep in mind when you are designing your ‘page one’.

Continue reading Book covers: How to create a memorable cover design