Accidental Sisters: Katherine Linn Caire’s surprising adoption memoir

Accidental Sisters: Katherine Linn Caire’s surprising adoption memoir. Caire with her sister, book cover of Accidental Sisters: The story of my 52 year wait to meet my biological sibling, and a portrait photo of Caire. Photos by Katherine Linn Caire, Books Fluent and Justin Wright
Accidental Sisters: The story of my 52 year wait to meet my biological sibling (centre) by Katherine Linn Caire (right), and with her sister (left). Photos by Katherine Linn Caire, Books Fluent and Justin Wright

Case study: Siblings’ soul-stirring story 52 years in the making

Katherine Linn Caire’s new memoir is a wild and heartwarming story.

Accidental Sisters: The story of my 52 year wait to meet my biological sibling, by Books Fluent, starts with Caire’s desire to know her medical history.

However, this unexpected journey leads her to family she never knew were missing.

Forever Young Autobiographies caught up with Caire to discover more about her first life-story book, how she created it plus tips for first-time creators … 

Continue reading Accidental Sisters: Katherine Linn Caire’s surprising adoption memoir

All That She Carried: A National Book Awards winning family story by Tiya Miles

All That She Carried: A National Book Awards winning family story by Tiya Miles. Book cover of All That She Carried: The journey of Ashley’s sack, a black family keepsake by Tiya Miles, Penguin Random House, and portrait shot of Miles outside wearing a white shirt. Photos by Penguin Random House and Kimberly P. Mitchell of USA Today Network
All That She Carried: The journey of Ashley’s sack, a black family keepsake (left) by Tiya Miles (right), Penguin Random House. Photos by Penguin Random House and Kimberly P. Mitchell of USA Today Network

Book review: What you need to know about a South Carolina slavery keepsake that ended up in the Smithsonian

All That She Carried: The journey of Ashley’s sack, a black family keepsake is a story of resistence against all odds.

It was penned by Harvard Professor Tiya Miles and tells how in the 1850s an enslaved South Carolina girl Ashley, 9, was sold away from her mother Rose.

The life story was published by Penguin Random House last year and named the National Book Awards 2021 Nonfiction winner.

So read on to find out more about the book, what makes it so interesting and what we can glean to inspire our own life-story projects …

Continue reading All That She Carried: A National Book Awards winning family story by Tiya Miles

Revising and editing: How to take the headache out of editing a life story

Revising and editing: How to take the headache out of editing a life story. Red life ring hanging on a sandston wall. Photo by

Ask Nicola Q&A: The easy way to decide what’s included in an autobiography, memoir, biography or life-story project

Welcome to Forever Young Autobiographies – Ask Nicola.

I get lots of questions about creating life stories for family and friends.

Today’s Ask Nicola answers the following query:

What things shouldn’t I include in a story about my life? What needs revising and editing?

Firstly great question! So let’s explore how we can quickly boil an entire life down to its essence … 

Continue reading Revising and editing: How to take the headache out of editing a life story

They Don’t Pay Me To Say No: Dean Goodine’s Hollywood star-studded memoir on a life in props

They Don’t Pay Me To Say No: Dean Goodine’s Hollywood star-studded memoir on a life in props. Dean alone at 3353m (11,000ft) with actor Idris Elba's backpack on The Mountain Between Us, book cover of They Don't Pay Me To Say No: My Life in Film and Television Props, and a portrait photo of Goodine taking a break in the shootout for the western Open Range directed by Kevin Costner. Photos by Dean Goodine and FriesenPress
They Don’t Pay Me To Say No: My Life in Film and Television Props by Dean Goodine (centre), Goodine pictured taking a break in the shootout for the western Open Range directed by Kevin Costner (right), and alone at 3353m (11,000ft) with actor Idris Elba’s backpack on The Mountain Between Us (left). Photos by Dean Goodine and FriesenPress

Case study: Canadian Property Master’s entertaining life story goes behind the scenes of film and TV hits

Canadian Prop Master Dean Goodine’s new life-story book details the highs and lows of 36 years working with stars such as Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa and more.

They Don’t Pay Me To Say No: My Life in Film and Television Props, by FriesenPress, goes behind the scenes to show how props are integral to the success of any movie or TV show. 

Goodine has worked on everything from Oscar-nominated feature films like Unforgiven, network TV shows like Stargate SGI, streaming hits like A Series of Unfortunate Events plus small independent films.

Forever Young Autobiographies caught up with him to find out more about his book, how he wrote it plus suggestions for first-time writers … 

Continue reading They Don’t Pay Me To Say No: Dean Goodine’s Hollywood star-studded memoir on a life in props

Dad’s memories: A Father’s Day story about interviewing my dad

Dad’s memories: A Father’s Day story about interviewing my dad. A dad and two young boys stand looking out to sea at sundown. Photo by Maria Lindsey of Pexels.

Case study: How I started recording my father’s memories in 3 steps

It’s Father’s Day here in Australia this Sunday.

And unlike past years with COVID lockdowns and restrictions it will be possible to meet up with family and friends! 

So I’ll be going on a long overdue camping trip with my father who is visiting from interstate.

But it is also the perfect time to let you in on the life-story project I’ve started to record dad’s memories …

Continue reading Dad’s memories: A Father’s Day story about interviewing my dad

Genetic memory: Does your life story include genetic memory examples?

Genetic memory: Does your life story include genetic memory examples? A man and woman in a city bump fists and smile at each other. Photo by from Pexels

How to understand genetic memory theory

I recently read comedian Magda Szubanski’s Reckoning: A Memoir in which she brings up genetic memory.

In short, she had an inkling she carried some of her Irish ancestors’ memories.

And felt like she had ‘come home’ when visiting Ireland for the first time.

But is genetic memory just a theory or is there more to it?

Continue reading Genetic memory: Does your life story include genetic memory examples?

The Winter Road: Walkley winning true crime by Kate Holden

The Winter Road: Walkley winning true crime by Kate Holden. Book cover of The Winter Road: A Story of Legacy, Land and a Killing at Croppa Creek by Kate Holden, Black Inc, and a black and white portrait photo of Holden. Photos by Black Inc and Darren James Photography.
The Winter Road: A Story of Legacy, Land and a Killing at Croppa Creek (left) by Kate Holden (right), Black Inc. Photos by Black Inc and Darren James Photography

Book review: Behind the headlines of murder, land use and green laws

The Winter Road: A Story of Legacy, Land and a Killing at Croppa Creek is a gripping Australian read.

It was written by acclaimed memoirist Kate Holden and tells how in 2014 an elderly New South Wales farmer shoots an environmental officer. 

The life story was published by Black Inc last year and won the 2021 Walkley Awards Book Award.

So keep reading to find out more about the book and what it can teach us as we sit down to create our own life-story projects …

Continue reading The Winter Road: Walkley winning true crime by Kate Holden

How to start a book: 4 simple ways to start a book today

How to start a book: 4 simple ways to start a book today. Boy cannonballs off rock platform into clear, blue ocean on a sunny day. Photo by erdinç ersoy from Pexels

What a writing coach wants you to know about how to start a memoir or life story

Kids where I grew up would often visit an old water-filled quarry to swim.

Here we would scale the rock walls and jump, flip and dive for hours.

Certainly the first jump was scary but sooner or later we all faced our fears and took the plunge.

Indeed writing can also feel scary in the beginning but keep reading for my top four ways on how to start a book.

So let’s dive in!

Continue reading How to start a book: 4 simple ways to start a book today

Writing and editing: 3 insider coaching call tips

Writing and editing: 3 insider coaching call tips. Surfers in the lineup at dawn. Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev from Pexels

Quick and easy life-story fixes from a writing coach

Often on morning beach walks I see primary students surfing for school sport.

First their coaches begin with a quick lesson on the sand and then everyone hits the water.

Similarly, a writing and editing life-story coach gets ‘in the water’ to help improve your confidence and skills.

And they are usually keeping an eye on three things …  

Continue reading Writing and editing: 3 insider coaching call tips

Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family

Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family. A young boy strikes a Superman pose at the sky while wearing glasses and a black cape. Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

Everything you need to know about finding writing time with kids

Are you lucky to have little people in your life?

Certainly children make us smile and bring us joy as we watch them grow.

But is it actually possible to write productively and be creative when kids are about?

Indeed as a life-story writing mum I’ve found a few family life tricks to help you do just that …

Continue reading Family life: How to fast track life stories while raising family