4 amazing ways to overcome ‘bad writer’ fears and build writing confidence
First published July 12, 2018: This article has been updated and improved.
I hear many people say they need to be a ‘good writer’ to start an autobiography, memoir, biography or other life-story project.
Or folks say they couldn’t possibly put pen to paper because they didn’t do well at school.
Indeed, for years I told myself this too when time and again my school work came back riddled with red-pen corrections.
However, I was lucky others encouraged and supported me to keep sitting down to write.
Now, as a long-time print editor and life-story coach, I’m here to do the same for you!
So keep reading for my top good writing tips (and free writing prompts training!) to help you start and continue recording life stories …
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Good writing and language
After decades working with words and grammar I’ve come to the conclusion language can be messy!
This is because there are many exceptions and grey areas.
Indeed, one person’s ice-cream can be another’s ice cream or even icecream.
Now that’s not sweet at all!
In short, language changes and evolves.
So accept no one is going to be perfect, no matter their level of schooling.
However, the important point for good writing is not to let it bog you down.
Certainly we tell stories when we write a letter or an email.
And when talking to a friend on the phone.
Also with the barista while they make our order.
Most importantly, we use language daily to tell stories.
And that is all you need to do to record your life story. Simple.
Related article – Surefire tips to end feeling overwhelmed about writing your life story
Let your story shine
Everyone has a unique life.
For example, we experience success, challenges, hardships, learn wisdom and feel love, among other things.
Therefore our stories, perspectives and life lessons are valuable.
And should far outweigh fears about bad writing.
Indeed, spelling and grammar are small fry compared to the power your stories could have on others.
So keep the big picture in mind for good writing.
Related article – Why write: Why is writing important and why do we write
Good writing and your audience
To foster good writing it can be helpful to remember who you are writing for.
For example, are you writing for the Queen?
To make the The New York Times bestsellers list?
Win a scholarship to Oxford university?
Of course not!
So please show yourself some writing grace.
Probably you are writing for yourself, family and friends.
And they are unlikely to obsess about your spelling, grammar or school marks.
Indeed they will mostly ignore such things.
And instead feel proud and inspired you wrote a life story just for them.
Related article – Ask Nicola Q&A: What are positive traits and qualities of a good writer?
Slowly building writing
Sometimes good writing starts with just a few sentences about a certain topic or memory.
For example, try jotting only 12 sentences at a time.
Simply turn off your inner critic and give it a go.
In short, don’t agonise over spelling, grammar, tenses or whether what you write is ‘good or bad’.
Next try this exercise a second time on a different topic.
And then do it one more time.
Now you have pages of stories!
Indeed what if you repeated this experiment a few times this week and every week for a month, a year?
Certainly you would have a finished first draft in no time!
Related article – New course! Introducing the Setting Writing Goals Guide for life-story writers
Final say
In conclusion, you don’t need a PhD to have permission to record life stories.
Similarly you don’t need to have perfect spelling and grammar for good work.
Because language is a movable feast, which is hard even for experts to master!
So set ‘bad writing’ fears aside to focus on what is important – sharing stories with family and friends.
And write a little often because it will all add up to a life story to be proud off.
Happy writing!
Free writing prompts gift!
Not sure what events and memories to write about? The free writing prompts training Structure Success will help you find out! Sign up here or fill in the form below.
Your say
What’s one reason why you need to record a life story? I always love hearing from different people. Drop me an email or leave a reply in the comments section at the end of this article.
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This article first appeared on the website Forever Young Autobiographies.com.