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Surefire tips to end feeling overwhelmed about writing your life story

Surefire tips to end feeling overwhelmed about writing your life story. Silhouetted person walks at sunset or sunrise on a beach with boats in the distance. Photo Pexels.

Easy ways to stop procrastinating and re-ignite your writing

First published August 2017: This article has been updated and improved.

Amy had great intentions about writing her life story.

The first few months were full of ideas, excitement and writing!

She prepared her chapter structure and went to the state library to get more details for her family tree.

One thing led to another and she disappeared down a family-history rabbit hole.

After three months, she had discovered a lot of information dating back to convicts in Tasmania.

But unfortunately she had been sidetracked and now felt overwhelmed to do more autobiography writing.

While the historical records were interesting to her children and grandchildren, they were definitely not as interesting as her memories and life story would have been!

Does this sound like a familiar story?

In this article I offer tips to help you stop being overwhelmed and get that memoir finished.

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember your why

This is a ‘stop and smell the roses’ moment.

In order to keep going you need to reflect on the motivations for your writing project.

Why did you start it in the first place?

What were your goals or aspirations?

These are valuable questions, which will help you refocus your attention on the important and rewarding work you are doing.

Related articleUnderstanding your why to write a powerful autobiography

Who are your readers?

Also remember your audience.

Chances are you don’t want to write a fancy autobiography that is going to change the way the world thinks!

You need to put your project in perspective: is it for your family only or friends and colleagues too?

If this is the case they are on your side, they like and love you.

They want to hear your story and will most likely be pleased with whatever you put out.

I bet your grandchildren would read whatever you wrote about your life because it would be fascinating to THEM.

The point is you have to overcome feeling overwhelmed to get something written down.

Something is better than nothing by a long shot.

You’ve got to have a game plan

Many things in life are easier when you break them down into logical, commonsense chunks.

For example: making a cake, starting an exercise routine, pruning a tree, whatever!

The same can be said for writing your life story.

You’ve got to start and you have to write.

But you need to have a plan otherwise you will feel overwhelmed.

Now is the time to re-asses your structure and writing habits.

One story at a time

If you are feeling overwhelmed pick one story or chapter to work on next that makes you feel excited.

You don’t need to start writing each chapter in order, 1, 2, 3 etc.

Just do one at a time.

Perhaps tackle a lighter story first before turning to another that is more challenging.

By doing this you will build up writing enthusiasm and energy.

However, don’t be afraid to skip over bits you are finding too hard to write.

You can always come back to them down the track.

And don’t forget, if you are struggling with anything to do with the writing, editing, polishing or publishing process, ask for help from friends, writing buddies or professionals.

Don’t let a roadblock in the writing process stop your flow!

Related articleHow to start a book in 4 simple steps

Give yourself a break

Sometimes you’ve got to have a rest so you can come back to your writing more refreshed and energised.

It might be a break before you sit down to a writing session or it might be a break after a hard story or chapter.

Listening to music or exercising can be wonderful to get the blood going and give some writing perspective.

Also talk your work over with a trusted friend or read other’s memoirs to get re-invigorated to tell your story.

Writing your autobiography requires commitment and consistency so look after yourself!

It is hard for everyone and easy to feel overwhelmed but the rewards are great.

Related articleWriting motivation: How to finish writing a book about your life

Final say

Don’t let overwhelm stop you writing.

You can halt it in its tracks by remembering why and who you are writing for, having a clear writing plan and caring for yourself.

Your autobiography doesn’t need to be perfect but it should be your best try.

There is true power in stories, especially stories written by YOU for the ones you LOVE.

Happy writing!

A great way to get motivated about an autobiography or life-story project is to brainstorm key memories to create a chapter outline. I walk you through this process in my FREE structure training video. Sign up here.


How do you beat feeling overwhelmed and stay motivated to write your memoir? I always love hearing what works for different people. Drop me an email

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This article first appeared on the website Forever Young

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